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Welcome to PDS!

The San Francisco Bay Area  has been at the forefront of our country's drive to embrace its diversity. When people talk about promoting diversity, they usually are referring to people of differing race, religion or sexual orientation living peacefully side-by-side in society. A truly diverse society embraces everyone for both their differences and their similarities, with the understanding that people are people. The reward for this inclusion is great: The more cohesion a community has, the stronger and more productive the community.

There is one population that has often been left out of this tapestry of diversity that we have all worked so hard to weave. Even in these progressive times, there is a group of people labeled "developmentally disabled" that are still treated as second-class citizens because they are "different”.

Most people with disabilities want to lead typical lives. They aspire to have jobs, make friends, go on dates, travel and be invited to parties. However, people with developmental disabilities still face incredible discrimination and are often ignored. You can help change this! Instead of turning your head when you encounter someone with a disability, take a risk; give him or her a chance. You may find that a person with a disability can enrich your life!

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People with Disabilities Succeeding is a nonprofit agency in Marin County, California dedicated to assisting people with developmental disabilities to become more accepted, contributing members of their community. Our focus is on diversity and inclusion of all people. PDS creates "places at the table" for those previously excluded and combats prejudice and discrimination by developing appropriate job placements and enlightening those in the community about the untapped potential of this population.

What a joy to see people participating in community life -- socializing, laughing and being regarded as just "part of the gang." It is incredibly rewarding to see the proud looks on their faces when they receive their paychecks, knowing that they've worked hard for their money and will be able to spend it however they please.

If you are interested in employment, volunteering, making a donationbecoming a board member, interviewing and hiring an individual, or just getting involved, please contact us.

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Learn about ways you can help individuals with disabilities and support our organization.


Get to know the people who work behind the scenes for PDS and meet the wonderful folks that we serve.


People with Disabilities Succeeding (PDS) is an Integrated Work and
Community Inclusion program located in Marin County, California.


Hear what loved ones, employers, friends and folks in the community are saying about PDS and our services.


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


PDS Facebook Link:

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