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All referrals to PDS must come from Golden Gate Regional Center. If you feel that you or someone you know might be a match for PDS please ask your case manager to contact us and “send a referral packet”.  You will have to sign releases of information in order for GGRC to make this referral.


Here is some information you might find helpful when deciding whether PDS is right for you or someone you know.


People with Disabilities Succeeding will provide services to persons who are challenged with developmental disabilities. PDS is committed to providing services to any individual within this population as long as the funding is available for the proper support services and the Interdisciplinary Team (including the individual, family, care provider, Regional Center representative and agency staff) determines the services appropriate to meet the person’s individual interests, needs and choices. It is important that the total group receiving services from the agency make up a heterogeneous (varying abilities and needs) population to allow the most effective services and to be consistent with the mission statement. No person will be selected or not selected on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or cultural background. Individuals must be 18 years or older, be able to benefit from six hours per day, five days per week of services. PDS does not generally serve people on a part time basis. PDS must be able to serve the individual within the limits of our funding.

Behavioral characteristics: Individuals must have a willingness to become employed in either volunteer or paid job positions and/or to participate in chronologically age-appropriate integrated activities in the community with people who do not have disabilities, must be able to function within our program design, adhere to attendance policy and take medication as recommended by the individuals’ IDT team, doctors and specialists.


Self-care skills: Individuals will have the ability to maintain proper hygiene and toileting. If necessary during program hours, individuals served by PDS must be able to take medication as recommended by the individuals’ IDT team, doctors and specialists.


Physical and medical conditions: PDS will make every attempt to accommodate individuals with physical or medical conditions when possible, within the program design. Because PDS uses private vehicles for transportation during program hours, PDS will seek alternative transportation options if an individual requires accessible transportation or discuss the appropriateness of program placement with the individual and the IDT team.


We believe in keeping our program small so we can provide intensive “family-like” support, and we intend to serve our clients for their entire lifetimes if necessary. For that reason, openings at PDS are few and far between.


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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