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PDS Donors

Thank you to the following foundations, organizations, companies and individuals for your incredible generosity in donating to People with Disabilities Succeeding in the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year.

Power Donors

Stuart Leeb

The Thomas J. Long Foundation

Jennifer A. Maxwell Fund

George H. Sandy Foundation

The Special Hope Foundation

Dedication Donors


Wells Fargo Foundation


Strength Donors

Mike and Sue Brandeberry

The Doering Family Foundation, Ltd.

Google Matching Gifts Program

Herbst Foundation, Inc.

JP Morgan Chase & Co. Matching Gift Program

Andrew and Jennifer Kirmse

Andrus Peerand

William and Kathleen Sloan

Whole Foods Market

Support Donors

Tom and Mary Abbott

Anonymous Donor

The Barron Family

Fred and Annette Bernardini

Andre Blanadet

Andrew and Brenda Bor

Brad and Sally Bagshaw

Jacqueline Branch

Dave and DeeAnn Burman

Gretchen Cain

Larry and Jeana Campbell

Peter Carrol

Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership

Charles Schwab Foundation Employee Matching Gifts Program

Lee and Linda Cohn

Dan and Ellen Cremin

Julia Delamater

Keith Denkler, MD

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation US Matching Gift

Richard Falk and Francine Falk-Allen

Jim and Mary Figel

Jeff Finci

Paul Fletcher and Sue Donaldson

Donna Franzblau

Jonathan and Robin Gear

Paul Geffner

Melanie Giusti

Denis G. Gleason

Gravenstein Lions Club

Glen and Denise Greenberg

Tomoko Gusek

Margaret Hallett

Ronald and Jo Ella Hart

Marjorie Headley

Ray Hollinger

Alison Howard

Connie Jahnke Perry

Ann Jessup

Candace Johnson

Support Donors (cont.)

Rex Johnson in honor of Jane and in memory of Helmer Johnson

Mary Jones

Ed and Linda Kangeter

Dr. Richard and Betsy Kirby

Janice Kline and Kathryn Tomlinson

Steven and Marlene Knox

Amy Koel

Bertram Koel, M.D. and Renee Golanty-Koel, Ph.D.

David and Ginger Koel

Felicia Kramarz

Ravi Lescher

Catherine Less

Anthony Leuin and Jean Bertrand

Doug and Barb Marshall

Douglas and Amanda Martin

Mary Mathews

Jennifer Maxwell

Dennis and Monica McCormick

Meridian Health Foundation

Fred and Linda Milanovich

Bettina Cassayre Moore

Jim and Janeen Mount

Jamie Myers

Alice Nakahata

Maureen O'Byrne

Theresa Olson

Pacific Legacy, Inc.

Charles Peterfy and Jo-Anne Hume Peterfy

Charles Pratt and Gene Fauro Pratt

Joanne Przybylko

Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.

Marcia Radwanski

Richard Reubin, Ph.D.

Ellen G. Ruderman, Ph.D.

Richard and Barbara Ruffino in loving memory of Robert F. Smith

Brian Schirano

Karl Schramm

Martin and Deidre Silverman

Joe and Sue Simmons

William and Mitzi Smiley

Brian Smith

Carl and Rocio Smith

Doris Smith

Rob and Tracy Smith

Art and Betty Sontgerath

Dick and Melinda Sontgerath

Larry Toney and Gloria Mattioli

Dennis and Angela Tucker

Steve Urell

Steve and Mary West

Dick Whitley

Chris Whitmore

Helen Wilson

Scott Wilson

Henry and Katherine Wong

Susanna Zuniga


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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