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PDS Donors

Thank you to the following foundations, organizations, companies and individuals for your incredible generosity in donating to People with Disabilities Succeeding in the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year.

Power Donors

Stuart Leeb

Thomas J. Long Foundation

Jennifer Maxwell

Wells Fargo Foundation


Strength Donors

Anonymous Donor

The Doering Family Foundation, Ltd.


The Herbst Foundation, Inc.

Andrew & Jennifer Kirmse

Leo & Mary Mauro

The Outdoor Art Club, Inc.

Dennis & Angela Tucker

James Whitlock & Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.

Support Donors

Anonymous Donors

Jose Abrian

Donald & Joyce Barr

Carmen Barron

Thomas Beasley

Fred & Annette Bernardini

Jacqueline Branch

Lisa Branum

Steve Brody

David Coe

Orla Concannon

Andrew Conn

Christopher Crowley

Lynn Dunn

Patricia Ellis

Richard Falk & Francine Falk-Allen

Margaret Farman

Karen Finlay

Dr. Michael & Donna Franzblau

Lisa Giraldi

Kelly Gomez

Patricia Goodman

Marcia Gori

Diana Greer

Margaret Hallett

Gail Handley

Ronald & Jo Ella Hart

Patricia Herve

Linda Hyman

Ann Jessup

Candace Johnson

Mary Jones

Stefanie Kalem

Ed & Linda Kangeter

Support Donors (cont.)

Steven & Marlene Knox

Shirley Krohn

Erin Langs

Stuart & Jon Leeb

George Lucas Family Foundation

Michael Marinacci

Jeffrey & Ashley McDermott

Stephen & Kathleen Meeker

Jill Montbriand

Robert Morton

Karen Motenko-Neal

Alice Nakahata

Michael Nardecchia

Kathleen Newsom

Andrea Owen

Scott Pinsky

Roxanne Ratterman

Richard Reubin, Ph.D.

Susan Rogin

Ellen G. Ruderman, Ph.D.

Kathy Ryan

Brian & Phyllis Schirano

Christine Seidel

Ellen Seymour

Judith Short

John Siegel

Martin & Deidre Silverman

Patrick & Maureen Sitzmann

William & Kathleen Sloan

William & Mitzi Smiley

Rocio Smith

Doris Smith

Robert & Tracy Smith

Ronald Sollid

Stan & Gail Sollid

Stephanie Spadaccini

Katie Stephens

Patricia Stoliar

Susan Stowers

Charlotte Swett

Kate Taylor

Jane Thornton

Giau Tran

Laura Wheeler

Cyrus Wood-Thomas

Michael Ziegenhagen

In Loving Memory of Tom Markey & Joe Rotunno

Randy Slade & Diana Lago Slade


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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