PDS Donors
Thank you to the following foundations, organizations, companies and individuals for your incredible generosity in donating to People with Disabilities Succeeding in the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year.
Power Donors
Thomas J. Long Foundation
Strength Donors
Jennifer Maxwell
Wells Fargo Foundation
Strength Donors
Frances Chang
The Doering Family Foundation, Ltd.
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Fred Gellert Family Foundation
Andrew & Jennifer Kirmse
Leo & Mary Mauro
The Outdoor Art Club, Inc.
Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.
Dennis & Angela Tucker
James P. Whitlock, Jr.
Support Donors
Anonymous Donor
Dan & Susan Aronovsky
Donald & Joyce Barr
Carmen Barron
Fred & Annette Bernardini
Jacqueline Branch
Laura Briggin
Mona Delank-Baker
Support Donors (cont.)
Richard Falk & Francine Falk-Allen
Ronald & Jo Ella Hart
Ann Jessup
Candace Johnson
Mary Jones
Shirley Krohn
Stuart & Jon Leeb
George Lucas Family Foundation
Alice Nakahata
Richard Reubin, Ph.D.
Rotary Club of Mill Valley
Ellen G. Ruderman, Ph.D.
Brian & Phyllis Schirano
Martin & Deidre Silverman
Patrick & Maureen Sitzmann
Randy Slade & Diana Lago Slade
William & Kathleen Sloan
Rocio Smith
Doris Smith
Ronald Sollid
Stan & Gail Sollid
Charlotte Swett
Giau Tran
Catherine Varnau
Warren Wertheimer
Henry & Katherine Wong
Cyrus Wood-Thomas