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PDS Donors

Thank you to the following foundations, organizations, companies and individuals for your incredible generosity in donating to People with Disabilities Succeeding in the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.

Power Donors

Winifred & Harry B. Allen Foundation


Strength Donors

The Doering Family Foundation, Ltd.

Andrew & Jennifer Kirmse

Mason Family Trust

Mary Mauro

Dennis & Angela Tucker


Support Donors

Daniel & Susan Aronovsky

Fred & Annette Bernardini

Blackbaud Cares Center

Jacqueline Branch

Matthew Byleckie

Kristine Cain

John & Carolyn Connors

Kara Connors

Terence Connors

Ron Crawford

Patricia Ellis

Francine Falk-Allen & Richard Falk

Janet Fjeldstad

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jaffe

Ann Jessup

Charles & Mary Jones

George Lucas Family Foundation

William J. McDermott

Alice Nakahata

Gillian Patrick

David Peak

Niels Peak

Polly Peak

Sheeba Peter-Frank

Gabriella Piccioni

Brian Schirano

Margaret Schliessmann

Martin & Deidre Silverman

Patrick & Maureen Sitzmann

Carolyn Sky

William & Kathleen Sloan

Doris Smith

Robert & Tracy Smith

Ronald Sollid

Stan & Gail Sollid

Pati Stoliar

Ethan Strull

Giau Tran

Warren Wertheimer

Joan Wlodaver

Katherine Wong

In Honor of Amanda Bowstead

Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.

James P. Whitlock, Jr.


In Honor of Evelyn Jaffe &
In Loving Memory of Sage Lane

Terri Jaffe


In Honor of Ruby Monchick

Fidelity Charitable & the Cannan Family Charitable Gift Fund


In Honor of Robin Sloan

Richard Reubin, Ph.D.

William & Kathleen Sloan


In Honor of Sean Stewart

Dr. Cyrus Thomas


In Loving Memory of Nicholas J. Certo

Sharon Conn


In Loving Memory of
Tom & Patrick Markey

Randy Slade & Diana Lago Slade


In Loving Memory of Stan Sollid

Julie & Albert Alden

Ken & Candice Beatty

Rebecca Bingea

Nancy Brixey & Gary Brasser

Samuel & Virginia Brown

The Buick Club of the Redwoods

John L. Darby

Karen, Marsha & Curtis Fong

Jean Forsyth Schulz

Larry & Marvel Goff

Ralph & Kathleen Harms

Terrie J. Harrell

Ronald & Jo Ella Hart

Michael Hazen & Peggy Van Patten

Richard & April Kahnberg

Geraldine McCann

Greg Michell

Alice Nakahata

Cynthia Omoth & David Uhlig

Michael O’Neill

Redwood Empire Classic Chevy Club

Dianne Samples

Wendy Spencer

Gerald & Diane Tokugawa

Constance & Nick Vikoulov

George Wagner

Gary & Linda Wilkening

Ken & Carol Wiseth

Frank Wood


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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