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PDS Donors

Thank you to the following foundations, organizations, companies and individuals for your incredible generosity in donating to People with Disabilities Succeeding in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.

Dedication Donors

Andrew & Anne Allen

Winifred & Harry B. Allen Foundation

Dennis & Angela Tucker

The Doering Family Foundation, Ltd.


Strength Donors

Daniel & Susan Aronovsky

Andrew & Jennifer Kirmse

Craig A. Larson

Leon Mason & The Mason Family Trust

Mary Mauro

Niels Peak

Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.

James P. Whitlock, Jr.

James & Marsha Wooster


Support Donors

Julie & Albert Alden

Fred & Annette Bernardini

Matthew Byleckie

Kristine Cain

Sharon Conn

Francine Falk-Allen & Richard Falk

Ronald & Jo Ella Hart

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jaffe

Terri Jaffe

Ann Jessup

Richard & April Kahnberg

Marlene Knox

Shirley Krohn

George Lucas Family Foundation

Marian Maguire

Sharlene & Joel Moss

Alice Nakahata

Karen Montenko-Neal & Paul Neal

Sue Neal

Gillian Patrick

David Peak

Polly Peak

Richard Reubin, Ph.D.

JR Robe

Jean Schulz

Martin & Deidre Silverman

Patrick & Maureen Sitzmann

Randy Slade & Diana Lago

William & Kathleen Sloan

Ronald Sollid

Gail Sollid

Doris Smith

Catherine Varnau

Warren Wertheimer

Richard & Annette Wilber

Joan Wlodaver

Katherine Wong

In Honor of Amanda Bowstead
Lynn Pulliam, Ph.D.
James P. Whitlock, Jr.

In Honor of David Burns &
In Loving Memory of Betty Burns
Shirley Krohn

In Honor of Matthew Byleckie
Marian Maguire

In Honor of Mary Jone’s Six Grandchildren
Mary Jones

In Honor of Lisa Markey
Francine Falk-Allen & Richard Falk

In Honor of Mylan Perovich
Catherine Varnau

In Honor of Kasie Sollid &
In Loving Memory of Deanna Sollid

Ronald & Jo Ella Hart

In Honor of Robin Sloan
Richard Reubin, Ph.D.

In Honor of Jason Wlodaver
Joan Wlodaver

In Loving Memory of Don Smith
Doris Smith

In Loving Memory of Patrick & Tom Markey
Randy Slade & Diana Lago

In Loving Memory of Parents
Patrick & Maureen Sitzmann

In Loving Memory of Stan Sollid
Richard & April Kahnberg
Gail Sollid


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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