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FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

Where is PDS located?

The PDS office is at 1514 5th Avenue next to the Friend Zone at 1512 5th Avenue, in San Rafael. There is usually 2-hour street parking and lots of great shops and restaurants nearby. 

The Friend Zone was imagined and created by PDS staff and clients in 2021. The Friend Zone is a club house, and not a licensed day program site. This concept was born during the Covid-19 pandemic so we would have a safe place where vaccinated people could gather. We hoped that if our clients could be hosts of integrated social events and recreational/leisure activities, rather than the guests, then they would feel more accepted and included and would have more control and autonomy over their social lives. They could make the rules and set the standards of behaviors. The Friend Zone is open to the public. Come on by and purchase a snack, some art, a Wupper Airlines product or just to say hello!

What is your staff to participant ratio?

Our ratio is one staff member to every two participants.

What about transportation?

Most of our clients rely on PDS to provide whatever transportation is necessary for them to get to and from all activities throughout the day. PDS is funded by Golden Gate Regional Center to provide transportation. We choose to use private vehicles (rather than vans), as this is the preferred and most “normalized” mode of transportation for our clients.

Do your participants follow schedules? How do you keep track of staff and participant scheduling?

Each individual that PDS serves has input into his or her personalized daily and weekly schedule. For each pair of participants, decisions about what to do are made democratically and are based upon each person’s choices and preferences. All staff and participants schedules are typed in detail to provide structure, consistency, and accountability. All staff and most participants carry cell phones. If a participant or a staff person needs assistance or there's a problem, they text or call a PDS administrator. Any schedule changes due to weather or other circumstances are called in to the PDS office. If you'd like to see an example, follow this link for a sample schedule. Our staff members follow schedules as well. See a sample staff schedule here

How is PDS funded?

People with Disabilities Succeeding is vendorized by Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC), which receives funding from the State Department of Developmental Services. We are funded on a day rate for each day that each individual receives services. Grants and contributions supplement our state funding to allow PDS to go above and beyond to ensure the highest level of support and quality to our clients.

How many days/hours of support does PDS offer?

PDS is funded to provide 6 hours of support per day, 5 days per week. Our support is ongoing, whether the person is currently employed or not. This kind of consistent support is beneficial for individuals who have difficulties in organizing their time and keeping busy when they are in between jobs or have limited hours at work. Often this is also reassuring to family members and home support staff who worry about unemployed people being alone in the community or their homes without someone to help them to schedule productive activities. We generally do not serve individuals on a part time basis.

Who is eligible for services?

To be eligible for PDS, a person must be 18 years of age or older and must be a client of Golden Gate Regional Center.


People with Disabilities Succeeding will provide services to persons who are challenged with developmental disabilities. PDS is committed to providing services to any individual within this population as long as the funding is available for the proper support services and the Interdisciplinary Team (including the individual, family, care provider, Golden Gate Regional Center representative and agency staff) determines the services appropriate to meet the person’s individual interests, needs and choices. It is important that the total population receiving services comprise a heterogeneous (varying abilities and needs) population to allow the most effective services and to be consistent with the mission statement. No person will be selected or not selected on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or cultural background. Individuals must be 18 years or older, be able to benefit from six hours per day, five days per week of services. PDS does not generally serve people on a part time basis.

PDS must be able to serve the individual within the limits of our funding.


Behavioral characteristics: Individuals must have a willingness to become employed in either volunteer or paid job positions and/or to participate in chronologically age-appropriate integrated activities with people who do not have disabilities, must be able to function within our program design, adhere to attendance policy and take medication as recommended by the individuals’ IDT team, doctors, and specialists.


Self-care skills: Self-Care: Individuals will have the ability to maintain proper hygiene and toileting. If necessary, during program hours, individuals served by PDS must be able to take medication as recommended by the individuals’ IDT team, doctors, and specialists.


Physical and medical conditions: PDS will make every attempt to accommodate individuals with physical or medical conditions, when possible, within the program design.

What is your entrance criteria?

How do I refer someone for services?

A teacher, parent, caregiver, or consumer should call the consumer's case manager at Golden Gate Regional Center and let them know that they want to have a "referral packet" of information about the person sent to PDS. It is also advised that someone call or email the Executive Director at PDS to let her know they're interested. Openings are few and far between, but spaces do open periodically and it's helpful to have the individuals “referral packet” from the GGRC case manager on file. Please visit the Referrals page for additional information.


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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