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PDS Job Description

Employment & Community Support Facilitator

Wonderful Employment Opportunity- Great hours, never any weekends or nights. Dance, karaoke, picnics, hiking, sports, arts and crafts, cooking, dog walking and fun, fun, fun every day!


People with Disabilities Succeeding (PDS) needs you to help support adults with developmental disabilities to experience all the joys that life has to offer, like working, having friends, staying healthy and fit, and participating in Marin as productive and accepted members of the community. We celebrate difference, diversity, and inclusion of all people.


Our clients have Down Syndrome, autism, and other developmental disabilities. They love PDS, and you will too! 


We strongly promote dignity, respect, freedom, and choice while also providing the compassion, nurturing and kindness that this vulnerable population deserves. Because the folks we serve are so happy, most days go smoothly, and most people go home each day feeling good.


People with Disabilities Succeeding is innovative and different from other programs in our field. For instance, our staff to client ratio is just 1:2. Read on to discover other ways in which PDS is unique......


During the pandemic PDS created a beautiful social club called The Friend Zone. This club house, inspired by Monica's apartment in the show "Friends,” is a place where people with and without disabilities can hang out and have fun in a totally inclusive and accepting environment.


The building has a huge TV, leather couches, a modern kitchen, a coffee bar called “Central Perk,” as well as an art room, two bathrooms with fancy bidets and rented space for table tennis, dance, and exercise. 


PDS also facilitates employment for people with disabilities. Most of our clients work in part time jobs where they are employed directly by companies and make at least minimum wage, doing all sorts of work including but not limited to stock, cleaning, dishes, clerical tasks, and baling boxes. Part of your duties would include “job coaching” our clients at their worksites. We also have our own dog walking business, so let us know if you like dogs.


PDS does not use group transportation, like vans. You need your own car for this job because you would be picking up our clients at their homes and driving them directly to scheduled activities and employment sites. Sometimes people mistakenly assume they are applying to be a "Driver". Driving is just an incidental part of the job. Your main duty would be to support our clients throughout the day at work and their various activities, hence the job title, "Employment and Community Support Facilitator".


Detailed, written schedules are designed to ensure that staff members and all clients spend time with a large variety of people in lots of different settings, but within a consistent predictable routine. The PDS Program Coordinator creates these schedules this way so our 33 clients and our 17 full time staff members won't get bored or burnt out, but also to provide structure so everyone knows what they will be doing and knows what is expected of them each day.


Our employees appreciate being provided with a consistent schedule of work, with break and preparation time, which does not vary from week to week and does not include evenings or weekends. We know how important it is to be able to plan your home/social life and your budget.




Full time staff work with clients between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:15 PM, Monday through Friday and attend a weekly staff meeting on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 PM (paid OT).




Experience: You don't have to be experienced in this field to do this job. It would be nice if you have some kind of relevant human service experience (i.e., babysitting, working with kids or the elderly) but we always provide 2 weeks of training to every new hire.

Expectations:  Must demonstrate warmth, patience, stamina, a good work ethic, compassion, sense of humor, a desire to help others, commitment to the values and clients of PDS, and enthusiasm for our mission. Because we invest so much in new employees, we expect a one-year commitment and one month’s notice from full time employees.

Non-negotiable: Must be 21 years of age, and possess California Driver's License, car in good working order (preferably less than 7 years old) a smart phone, ability to make it to work on time by 8:00 AM and stay until 3:15 PM on weekdays (and 3:30 PM-5:00 PM on Tuesdays). No DUIs within 5 years. There is a lot of driving involved in this job and we do not compensate for bridge toll. We are looking for candidates who live within 20 miles of Marin, because they are familiar with the Bay Area, and have commutes that will not interfere with job duties.


Taxable Wages- $24.00 hourly/ $4,340 monthly/$52,104 annually


Cell Phone Reimbursement- $4.50 daily/$97.50 monthly/ $1,170.00 annually


Auto Stipend- $26.00 daily/$563.33 monthly/$6,760.00 annually


Total Non-Taxable Compensation- $30.50 daily/$660.83 monthly/$7,930.00 annually


Total Taxable + Non-Taxable Compensation- $5,0001 monthly/$60,034 annually


*Annual amounts are based on full-time, 5 days a week, including OT for staff meeting days. 


Staff work 8:00 AM -3:15 PM but are paid for 8 hours a day, to compensate for break and prep time. So, if you're full time, you work 7 hours and 15 minutes a day, or 38 hours per week, but you get paid for 42 hours a week. 


At least 20 paid holidays and paid vacation days in first year for full time employees (prorated for part-timers). 100% of Kaiser Gold or equivalent, Delta Dental, premium AAA roadside membership. 


Bonuses, love, appreciation and meaningful, rewarding work.



Please first do your homework on our organization. 


PDS website:

PDS Vimeo videos:

PDS YouTube channel:

PDS Facebook Page:


1. Tell us about yourself and why you are interested in the job. (You can be as detailed as you like here)


2. Where do you live? (First pickups at 8 AM are anywhere from Marin City to Novato in Marin County.)


3. Do you have a car in good working order with 4 seatbelts (inc. driver)? What year/make is the car?


4. Any DUI's or driver's license suspensions?


5. What do you do for work now? If you are unemployed, why/how?


6. Are you able to work Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 3:15 PM with staff meetings on Tuesdays from 3:30 PM -5:00 PM? (Hours are not negotiable)


7. Are you sure the salary meets your needs? (Salary is not negotiable.)


8. If you plan to work a second job in addition to this position, what would that job be?

9. Please describe any special interests, hobbies or skills you can share with our clients such as cooking, gardening, art, music, dance, exercise, table tennis, dog walking etc. (No teaching experience necessary-we will train)


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


PDS Facebook Link:

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