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Recommended Links

We recommend you explore the following links to websites that either indirectly involve PDS or that influence some of our policies and practices of employment and community inclusion for all people regardless of the severity or type of disabilities. 

A great way to keep up with PDS is by “ liking” our page on Facebook


PDS has a channel on YouTube 


PDS has a Vimeo page

PDS created a website in 2011 which is an online training program that further describes our beliefs and practices and has some min-documentary videos showing what we do. The Awareness Project


Congressman Jared Huffman recorded a video congratulating PDS on our 25 year anniversary.

PDS is indirectly funded by the State of California: Department of Developmental Services

PDS directly receives funding  and referrals from Golden Gate Regional Center

A consumer’s guide to the Lanterman Act

“Title 17” is a portion of the California Code of Regulations that contains the regulations pertaining to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) as well as other regulations.


Department of Developmental Services telephone number ( 918-654-1987 ) and Appeals, Complaints and Comments website 

TASH, an organization promoting Equity, Diversity, Social Justice and Inclusion for people with disabilities.

The Supported Life Institute

Disability Rights California provides advocacy services for people with disabilities. Offices in Sacramento, Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Diego. DRC's vision is a barrier free, inclusive world that values diversity, culture and each individual. In this world all people with disabilities have equality, dignity, power, freedom of choice, independence, and freedom from abuse, neglect and discrimination.

Matrix - a parent-run information and resource center helping families of children with special needs in Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties. Matrix conducts support groups, has a help line, and holds trainings and workshops for parents and professionals.

People First® of California, Inc. - Self-Advocates Training Self-Advocates- Many People First groups meet in a variety of areas. You can call contact them her for more information about local groups.

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Area Board 5 - serves the developmentally disabled consumers of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. This is an absolutely fantastic ( and free ) source of information and advocacy.

Lisa Markey was honored by the Jefferson Awards in 2012. CBS Bay Area Article

A video log ("vlog") about one of our clients and board members, Robin.

A blog by an intern.

Remembering  Jacob Aranda’s dad, Mario Aranda. 


1512 5th Ave., San Rafael

CA United States 94901

Phone: (415) 459-0270

Fax: (415) 459-0282


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