PDS Newsletters
Check out our past newsletters. Every newsletter features a message from PDS Executive Director Lisa Markey.
The beauty of the Friend Zone
PDS is thriving
Staff receiving $24/hr
Two new staff
New office construction
Back to job sites
Clients thriving
New office
PDS on Zoom
Returning to in Person
The Friend Zone
New participants
Finding your tribe
New classes
Staff appreciation
Nicole our new client
Passion for helping people with disabilities
New program 1:2 ratio
Gardening and fitness and nutrition
Activities and the outdoors
Insight into daily life working at PDS
Facilitating employment opportunities for participants
Our clients' kindness and community engagement
Message from PDS Director - 25th Anniversary of PDS
Changed name from Pacific Diversified Services to People with Disabilities Succeeding
Executive Director Lisa's story on the history of PDS
PDS hits the dance floor
New adventures and job opportunities
Bonding and friendship between participants and staff
Collaborating with the Transportation Authority of Marin
Highlighting the PDS Halloween party and Wuppermobiles
Promoting health and fitness, self-defense, and further education
Rewarding experiences working at PDS
Where participants work and community engagement
Achievements despite state funding cuts
Closure of Borders affected two participants
PDS Dog Walking Service
What We're Good At
Message from the Executive Director - 20th Anniversary of PDS
New PDS Office
Free Seminar
Message from Executive Director
Participant Spotlight: 2009 Brought us Five New Participants
PDS Staff News Including Two New Staff Members
Message from Executive Director, Brian & Jennifer Maxwell Fund Donation
Participant Spotlight: New PDS Participant Guy
Meet the Staff of PDS
Message from Executive Director, Discussing Her Personal Story
Participants Anniversaries
Fundraising Updates
PDS Challenge Grant for Van
Community Integration
Halloween Monster Bash!
"See Me": Perspectives Regarding Our clients' Feelings
"Integrity": How PDS Defines Success
New Board Members
PDS 15th Anniversary!
Participant Spotlight: Cathy A
Staff Spotlight: Justin Burke
Participant Spotlight: Joe A
The Angels of PDS: Meet the Donors
Participant Spotlight: Don S
Surprise Baby Shower for Lisa